Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PatternNode.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract void |
Operator.accept(PlanVisitor v)
Accept a visitor at this node in the graph.
void |
SubtreeDependencyOrderWalker.walk(PlanVisitor visitor) |
void |
ReverseDependencyOrderWalkerWOSeenChk.walk(PlanVisitor visitor)
Begin traversing the graph.
void |
ReverseDependencyOrderWalker.walk(PlanVisitor visitor)
Begin traversing the graph.
abstract void |
PlanWalker.walk(PlanVisitor visitor)
Begin traversing the graph.
void |
DepthFirstWalker.walk(PlanVisitor visitor)
Begin traversing the graph.
void |
DependencyOrderWalker.walk(PlanVisitor visitor)
Begin traversing the graph.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AllSameExpressionVisitor |
class |
ExpToPhyTranslationVisitor |
class |
A visitor for expression plans.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
UserFuncExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
SubtractExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
ScalarExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
RegexExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
ProjectExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
OrExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
NotExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
NotEqualExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
NegativeExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
MultiplyExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
ModExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
MapLookupExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LessThanExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LessThanEqualExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
IsNullExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
GreaterThanExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
GreaterThanEqualExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
EqualExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
DivideExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
DereferenceExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
ConstantExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
CastExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
BinCondExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
AndExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
AddExpression.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A visitor that walks a logical plan and then applies a given
LogicalExpressionVisitor to all expressions it encounters.
class |
A visitor that walks the logical plan and calls the same method on every
type of node.
class |
A visitor mechanism printing out the logical plan.
static class |
ProjectionPatcher.ProjectionFinder |
class |
SchemaResetter |
class |
UidResetter |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A visitor for logical plans.
class |
LogToPhyTranslationVisitor |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
LOUnion.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOStream.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOStore.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOSplitOutput.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOSplit.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOSort.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LORank.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LONative.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOLoad.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOLimit.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOJoin.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOInnerLoad.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOGenerate.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOForEach.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOFilter.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LODistinct.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOCube.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOCross.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
LOCogroup.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ColumnPruneVisitor |
static class |
ConstantCalculator.ConstantCalculatorTransformer.ConstantCalculatorExpressionVisitor |
static class |
ConstantCalculator.ConstantCalculatorTransformer.ConstantCalculatorLogicalPlanVisitor |
static class |
MapKeysPruneHelper.FullMapCollector |
static class |
This class collects all the information required to create
the list of keys required for a map
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Find uid lineage information.
class |
Logical plan visitor which will convert all column alias references to column
indexes, using the underlying anonymous expression plan visitor.
class |
DanglingNestedNodeRemover |
class |
DuplicateForEachColumnRewriteVisitor |
class |
ForEachUserSchemaVisitor |
class |
ImplicitSplitInsertVisitor |
class |
InputOutputFileValidatorVisitor |
class |
Create mapping between uid and Load FuncSpec when the LogicalExpression
associated with it is known to hold an unmodified element of data returned
by the load function.
class |
A visitor to walk operators that contain a nested plan and translate project( * )
operators to a list of projection operators, i.e.,
project( * ) -> project(0), project(1), ...
class |
Expand project-star or project-range when used as udf argument.
class |
ResetProjectionAttachedRelationalOpVisitor |
class |
This validator checks the correctness of use of scalar variables in logical
static class |
ScalarVariableValidator.ProjectFinder |
class |
Logical plan visitor which handles scalar projections.
class |
SchemaAliasVisitor |
class |
SortInfoSetter |
class |
StoreAliasSetter |
class |
TypeCheckingExpVisitor |
class |
TypeCheckingRelVisitor |
class |
UDFFinder |
class |
A visitor that modifies the logical plan (if necessary) for union-onschema
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AugmentBaseDataVisitor |
class |
LineageTrimmingVisitor |
class |
POOptimizeDisabler |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PreOrderDepthFirstWalker.walk(PlanVisitor visitor)
Begin traversing the graph.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
This class prints a JobGraph
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract void |
JobStats.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MRJobStats.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SparkJobStats.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TezVertexStats.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
void |
TezDAGStats.accept(PlanVisitor v) |
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